Contemplating My Navel

Normally, I am not one for public confessions. Today is officially exempt from my normal habits and I'm not really sure why. This entry is not for the weak stomach or the faint of heart so if you must turn away...just kiddin'. I do write this fully aware of the heckling that may result.

Anyway, I was contemplating my navel (as my dad used to say) as well as pondering life in general and came to several realizations. Here is my list.

1. I love Will.

Okay, so maybe my list is short, but all of my other thoughts revolve around 1. Today I had a renewed hope and excitement of everything that is to come in our lives and was overwhelmed with all of those day to day things that Will does for me to make my life easier. Helping me unload the dishwasher, wrangling the kiddos before bed, re-parking the car in the garage so I don't take out a side mirror, playing hide 'n go seek even when there are no places to really hide, and most importantly, being a pillar of strength in a flurry of confusion.

I'm guilty of nagging more often than I am letting him know how much I love and appreciate him.

Will, I love you and there is no one else I would rather be with than you!