The Good Life

Deciding to quit teaching after Will graduated was a no brainer…so I thought. When the day came I did not realize it would come with such mixed emotions. My passion for teaching is strong and I LOVE what I do! The challenge is exhilarating. Each year I thought I could never love the new class as much as I had the class the year before, but my heart always made room.

I had been a working mom for what I felt like was so long that I didn’t know if I could handle a three and one year old all by myself. Some people laugh telling me that if I can handle 20 seven year old's or 28 twelve year old's I should be able to manage Hudson and Annie. Ha! If only it were that easy.

Since then I have a new found respect for those moms who care so well for their children and make it look so easy. In my quest to effectively grow Hudson and Annie where they were planted I looked for inspiration and guidance. What can I say, Elder Ballard and Sister Hinckley had good things to say.

In May of this year Elder Ballard wrote,

"First, recognize that the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction."

In the few months I have been home I find this statement true everyday!

Sister Hinckley has commented the following:

"It is the mothers of young children I would like to address first. These are golden years for you. These are years when you will probably do the most important work of your lives. Don’t wish away your years of caring for small children. Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans. This is a time of great opportunity for you to build the kingdom. When you teach children to love their Heavenly Father, you have done one of the greatest things you will ever do. If you can be a full-time homemaker, be grateful. If not, you must do what is best for you. I for one have never felt a need to apologize for my role as a full-time homemaker."

It is with a grateful heart that I step out of the classroom and into my home to try and be a better mother today than I was yesterday.